The same document looks different in SharePoint than the desktop App (word)

Copper Contributor

In SharePoint online word view number bullets start like 1.0,1.1,1.2,.... But in desktop view, it's like 1.1,1.2,1.3,.... view2.PNGview1.PNG


I have tried the below troubleshooting steps.


1. Modified the site's permission hierarchy to specific user. When the bullets that begin with 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and so on are granted access to the site by the owner, member, and site administrator. The document is correct in both the desktop and SharePoint views when I remove all site permissions and grant read access.

2. Used a new browser(We are normally use Microsoft Edge browser) to visit this same SharePoint location. An identical problem was encountered.

3. Attempted to use the identical file on a different SharePoint site. However, the problem persisted.


Can someone please help me to fix this issue?


1 Reply

Hello @GihanMalith 


i suspect that this is a local issue. 


1. Try to use another client

2. create a new user profile


Best, Dave