PnP Modern Search WebPart - Question

Brass Contributor



Is it possible to deploy PNP Modern Search WebPart on single Site collection directly instead of Tenant Level? I am site collection administrator. Unfortunately I dont have tenant access as per the company policy.


Secondly I want implement search result on particular list  which is customized having field like customername, productname, ciry,country,datecreation like fields, this fields should populate in detailed search result as detail view and also allow me to use this as filters?



5 Replies

@Avi65 You can use site collection level app catalog. check this: Use the site collection app catalog 


Also check:

  1. Installation of PnP Modern Search  
  2. Search Results Web Part 
  3. Search Filters Web Part 

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I deployed package successfully, it is appearing in Site Contents as well. It is also listed under "App for SharePoint".

Then I created Sample page and try to search this PNP , it is not appearing, all other app catalogs are appearing Am I missing anything ?

Please ignore my message. I refreshed the page after some time, it was working.
Later try to implement search for only one list and I give the parameter like this "{searchTerms} path:". Results are coming fine, but I want to display the list associated columns in search result like Brand, Cutomer, Region, Country.

How can I do this?

@Avi65 If those are list level columns, you have to add some data in list and SharePoint will create crawled properties for those columns after next search crawl.


Then you can map those crawled properties with managed properties. Those managed properties you can use in PnP search web parts. check below documentations:

  1. Manage the search schema in SharePoint 
  2. Overview of crawled and managed properties in SharePoint Server 

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For SharePoint/Power Platform blogs, visit: Ganesh Sanap Blogs

Hi Avi,
did you solved this problem. Until know I cannot introduce just one List at the PnP Results the {searchTerms} path: doesn'T work. Actually the search from Microsoft doesn't work either. Do you know if this solution works for Team Site, Please let me know and if this is the problem I need to introduce my list into a communication site in sharepoint. Regards Magdalena