Photos with GPS data stripped upon upload

Copper Contributor

good day


Is there a way to prevent the GPS data in pictures from being stripped when being uploaded into SharePoint Online?  we just moved away from google workspace and are seeing issues like this getting in the way if production work.  in the past, we would send links out to clients to review location photos; google maps was able to render a small map location using the GPS location data in the photo's themselves.  Now we have moved everything to SharePoint online and are see that the location data in the photos, are being stripped out.  




3 Replies


SharePoint does not remove the GPS location details stored within photos. The original file is uploaded without changes. The GPS coordinates are not extracted into SharePoint columns.

SharePoint does not support extracting GPS location details from photos. This functionality was removed a couple of years ago. There are apps that provide this functionality (e.g., automatically extract GPS details during uploading and then offer a feature to show the photos on a Google map. See example.

In short, OOTB SharePoint does not support extracting GPS location details or using Google Maps or Bing Maps.

@Paul de Jong 


Thank you for the clarification on GPS data and SharePoint.


Where can I find applications that would integrate into SharePoint online and help me achieve my result?




The Collab365 site contains a list with apps (link). The SLIM Explorer one (link) provides functionality to extract GPS coordinates from images and show the photos on a map.