Knowledge/question management in SP online-is there something similar to Stack Overflow for SP?

Copper Contributor

Is there a way that anyone knows of, either with a 3p plugin or native SP implementation, to set up a Q&A/Knowledge management system like Stack Overflow in Sharepoint online?  A wiki doesn't seem very well suited to this, and I've heard good things about systems like Jive, but that seems to be more of a full on SP competitor with a lot of overlap.  Ideally, I'd be looking for the following:

-Search when entering a question-has this already been asked?

-Mark/propose as answer support

-User tracking for top answerers

-Integration with MS Teams would be ideal


Come to think of it, the tech community site does a lot of the same things as well.  The use case I'm thinking of is for our internal knowledge management.  Anytime someone has a question about "how do I do X" or "do we support Y", the usual process to to email someone (which means you need to know who has the answer), or email a bunch of people (which is noisy).  Then assuming they get the answer they need, that answer isn't shared with anyone. 


Is there anything that people can suggest that helps to solve this problem?

1 Reply
Hey there! I totally get where you're coming from. It can be tricky to manage internal knowledge effectively. You might want to check out GPT for Confluence and SharePoint by Enterprise Bot. It’s designed to pull together all the information from your knowledge base and make it easily accessible through a chatbot that doesn't need any training. This way, it can instantly provide accurate answers to questions based on the data you already have. Plus, it integrates with Slack, Teams, or even your internal Wiki, which could be exactly what you're looking for.

Hope this helps and happy to answer any questions!