JSON List view format doesn't load all items

Copper Contributor



I have created a sharepoint list view format. Based on the resource catalog sample on GitHub.

Now I have the problem that the list does only load 60 items, but the list has 100 items. If I scroll to the end of the list no more items are loaded. 

If I delete the JSON or create a view without a JSON code everything works perfect.


Is there a solution for this issue?

5 Replies

I'm having the exact same problem. Did you ever find a solution?


I have a SharePoint List (I guess it's called a Modern List?) with all of our locations. I'm using JSON to style the list. The results are limited to only 30 locations and there's no way to load more. I've tried changing the Item Limit in the View but it doesn't seem to do anything. 

I struggled with this, also. I finally got it to work after I did the following:

Changed List Settings -> Advanced settings -> List experience to 'New experience'... I don't know if it works in 'Default experience set by my administrator' or 'Classic experience'.

Created a new List View... the column customizations didn't show up in the default 'All Items' view.

I wasn't able to fix with your recommendation. Was there another workaround?

@jsmileyb I ended up creating a page with multiple custom queries to the list to obtain the data and show it all at once. It's a hack, but it works. 

I'm about half-way through creating a SPFx app that will solve with the same look/feel as the JSON list/library views. I think that's going to work best for us.

Thank you for the reply.