Jun 13 2023 01:45 PM
Hello all,
Question about a potential approach for you.
Due to the type of data structure being dealt with we have employed a SPO site consisting of numerous document libraries with rather granular permissions. Directory permissions are broken down by synchronized AD groups. I understand that this is skirting around the preferred handling of permissions within SPO but I am dealing with the restrictions in place.
Since the permissions are granular and have been migrated over using SPMT documents still retain their unique permissions. What I would like to know is - is there a possible way to strip document owner permissions if someone has been removed from the overlying group?
Thank you for your help
Jun 14 2023 01:15 PM
Hello @EverGrateful
it's not clear for me, what you want to know: "is there a possible way to strip document owner permissions if someone has been removed from the overlying group? "
You can use PowerShell or Flows to set item level permissions. Pls attention about limits and boundaries: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/troubleshoot/lists-and-libraries/error-share-break-inhe...
"The supported limit of unique permissions for items in a list or library is 50,000. However, the recommended general limit is 5,000. Making changes to more than 5,000 uniquely permitted items at a time takes longer. Therefore, for large lists, design the list to have as few unique permissions as possible"
Regards, Dave
Jun 28 2023 12:03 PM