Forum Discussion

Antonio_Alejandro's avatar
Aug 05, 2022

New Blog Post | Share data w/ MSFT Purv. for Azure storage w/ private endpoints or VNET restrictions

Share data with Microsoft Purview for Azure storage with private endpoints or VNET restrictions - Microsoft Tech Community


This is a follow-up post on a recently published article on sharing data in near real-time with Microsoft Purview in-place data sharing for Azure Storage. I highly encourage you to read Share data near real-time with Microsoft Purview in-place data sharing for Azure Storage first before you pore over this article on how to share Azure storage solutions such as Azure Blob Storage and Azure Data Lake Gen2 with VNET traffic restrictions or even with no public endpoints i.e. private endpoints only.


Now, using Microsoft Purview in place data share you can also create shares that can connect to Azure storage PaaS such as blob storage and data lake storage with VNET restrictions and to further up the ante - even with storage accounts with no public endpoints.


This is a critical feature that has been made available only in Microsoft Purview data share and is not part of the standalone Azure data share services.


In this article, I will present a few quick pointers and considerations that you have to know before you get started with Purview data sharing using restricted Azure storage accounts.

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