Project for the web - Tasks with different calenders / weekend work

Copper Contributor

Dear community,

I'm currently plan a project with project for the web where I do have tasks that could run every day (so from Monday to Sunday) and task that are only allowed to run on workdays (Monday - Friday). 


I set the project calendar to a 9 AM - 5 PM / Monday - Sunday. Then I created two users. One UserA who is allowed to work Monday - Sunday and one UserB who is allowed to work only from Monday - Friday. 


I created two tasks, both with the duration of 7 days. I was thinking when I now linked UserA to Task 1 it will run from Monday to Sunday. This is the case. 

But when I link UserB to Task 2 it will also run form Monday to Sunday, only difference is the effort. I thought (and hoped) that it will run from Monday- Friday and that skip the weekend and start again on Monday- Tuesday. 


Any ideas what did I do wrong? 


Note: The project ist in the Fixed Duration Mode. Maybe this is the issue?


Thanks, Miggi

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