% Complete and % Work Complete do not update with Actual Start change.

Copper Contributor

Changing the date in Actual Start does not update the values in % Complete and % Work Complete columns, they stay at 0.  If the Actual Finish date has any date at all, the percentages go to 100%.


Is Project supposed to be automatically calculating those % complete columns or am I missing steps?


Windows 11

Project Online Desktop Client v2405

3 Replies
best response confirmed by Smeac81 (Copper Contributor)
Simply entering an actual start date will not show a value in either Percent Complete field. You need to also enter a value in the Actual Duration or Actual Work field. However, entering a value in the Actual Duration or Actual Work field first, will cause Project to calculate a value for the Percent Complete fields.


@John-project   I added the Actual Work column, entered in a value and the % Complete columns updated accordingly - that was the step I was missing.


Thanks for the info, much appreciated.

You're welcome and thanks for the feedback. If I answered your question, please consider marking my response as the answer.
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Smeac81 (Copper Contributor)
Simply entering an actual start date will not show a value in either Percent Complete field. You need to also enter a value in the Actual Duration or Actual Work field. However, entering a value in the Actual Duration or Actual Work field first, will cause Project to calculate a value for the Percent Complete fields.


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