Forum Discussion

  • jurajt's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    the integration stopped working recently - the "Assigned to me" task list doesn't show up in To-do side panel anymore. it used to work, but stopped a few weeks ago. I can see the "Assigned to me" task list in the full planner app, just not in outlook online.

    any hints?

    • wroot's avatar
      Silver Contributor
      Whay do you mean outlook online? Maybe you wanted to say To-do app? That's were Planner tasks should appear.
      • jurajt's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        wroot i'd swar there used to be the "Assigned to me" task list available in the Outlook in the web's To-Do side panel. it's gone missing a few weeks ago :/

        any chance anyone else remembers this?

  • AlexH980's avatar
    Steel Contributor

    Paul_Matherthis looks great.  I also noticed that checklists from Planner were also migrated into To-Do subtasks too, so it's the full package.


    Now just waiting for To-Do to replace Outlook tasks on the desktop ;)

  • Paul_MatherI think I found a bug in the desktop and web apps:

    1. Pick a few tasks from "Assigned to Me" and add them to "My Day".
    2. Go to "My Day" and drag-and-drop one of the Planner tasks to reorder the list.
    3. The Planner task appears in the new location, for a second, and then disappears from "My Day". (It still exists is "Assigned to Me".


  • wroot's avatar
    Silver Contributor
    Nice. Wonder why there wasn't an official announcement about this yet. Maybe this is some kind of preview still.
    • There Will be an announcement on Thursday together with the feature of planner notifications in Teams!!
