Email Signature Images Width and Height Lost

Brass Contributor
I run an email signature generator tool that helps people create email signatures. Our signatures have been working for Outlook Web for a very long time now. We have not changed anything about the formatting of email signatures recently.

Within the past 2 weeks some of our customers have been complaining that when pasting their email signature into Outlook for Web (as well as New Outlook for Windows) that the images within their email signatures get too large.

We store images at 2x size so that they look good on mobile and high DPI devices. This has worked for a very long time. The images then have a height and a width attribute (as well as styles) to tell them to render at the appropriate size.

Unfortunately I am not able to duplicate this issue myself using Outlook for Web and New Outlook for Windows. I have sat on 3 Zoom calls now with customers where they demonstrate the issue, and then I take the exact same signature and paste it on my side without issue.

Signature Logo Sent From Their Outlook Web Email:
<a href="" target="_blank" style="display: block; height: 26px;"><img alt="Company logo" src=""></a>

Signature Logo Sent From My Outlook Web Email:
<a href="" target="_blank" style="display: block; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; height: 26px;"><img alt="Company logo" width="350" height="26" style="width: 350px; height: 26px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; display: block;” src=""></a>

As you can see the width, height, and styles have been removed from the image tag on their "version" of Outlook for Web, but not on mine.

I have had multiple people report this issue through the help menu within Outlook. This affects their jobs as well as our platform. I have tried other email signature generators and it is affecting them as well. Please fix it as soon as possible!
48 Replies
I am running into the same issue.
I am trying to paste HTML built signature and all image size attributes are dropped down.
Although, when I am pasting it in email directly and choose option "keep formatting", signature looks good.
I would be happy if it will be fixed ASAP, also can not use proper signature in my work related activity.

Thank you in advance!
What we discovered is that the problem is related to the Roaming Signatures feature. If you disable it in Outlook - everything works as previously.

The fact that HTML doesn't work properly in email signature space in recent versions creates big problems for all people using nicely crafted signatures and causes problems for signature providers.

We are looking forward to getting this fixed ASAP.


@LarryNOS Thank you so much for that information. That would be wonderful to get this issue fixed up as it is affecting many of our customers and they are coming to us with issues.


You mentioned a workaround is to disable roaming signatures. I did some research on this, but I didn't find an easy way to do this. Is the only way to do that by changing settings on the administrators side, or changing something about the Windows registry (which is far beyond most of our users)?

My org is experiencing the same issue. All style tags in the html get replaced with an MS default style when pasting HTML losing size, font, etc. I will attempt to disable roaming signatures but it's odd this just started happening a week or two ago.
Adding some info, I am seeing all style stripped from all HTML tags you paste in... and it seems to be stripping and replacing with whatever font and point size is selected in Message Format section of the compose and reply settings.... so if I want the name in the signature to be a large point size than the title and phone number... too bad.
Same here, I'm using and when i try to add any new signatures, we loose all formating. Has there been any feedback from microsoft or any news from providers on how they are tackling this. I was simply sent here and told to disable the Roaming Signatures but i'm reluctant to do that as I'm unsure of the ramifications.
I'm also reluctant to disable Roaming Signatures unless I get more concrete info that it resolves the issue. It seems like it would be unrelated.



I have the same problem and some of my clients do not usually use Outlook desktop, only Outlook 360 on the web. The only "solution" was to scale the images to the required size but they are so small that they pixelate, I hope they can solve this problem soon

Found a workaround. If you drag and drop your signature into the box rather than copy and paste, it maintains the formatting. This is going to be extremely hard to get users to figure out and follow correctly.

@LarryNOS Hello, would it be possible for you to tell us if you are working to solve this problem soon? Thank you

@AvdbP2024I am afraid I can't. I am also here to get to someone in Microsoft to fix this for all of us. I just found a workaround which is obviously not an acceptable solution at all 

@chrisco341, Thank you for your input regarding the workaround, unfortunately, while format was really preserved, all the images disappeared after saving the signature.

Hi guys! I faced with the same problem in Outlook, I hope that the Microsoft team will provide a solution as soon as possible


I am experiencing the same thing.

Microsoft, I hope you can solve this problem ASAP

I have a problem with displaying pictures in Outlook, now. I really hope that the Microsoft team will provide a solution as soon as possible.
Thank you!

Hi, I have the same situation with email signatures. I look forward to solving the problem as soon as possible
Hello, I have this problem as well. I hope that this issue will be resolved as soon as possible

Hi everyone!
It's Iren, MySignature CSM, here.

My company and our customers encountered an issue in Outlook's new UI after a Microsoft update of the Signatures Roaming feature. When pasting an HTML signature into the New Outlook on a Mac or Windows PC, all images become oversized, and the signature formatting gets distorted.

We discovered that turning off the Signatures Roaming option with admin rights (which is complicated for non-technical users) resolves the issue. However, this creates another problem—the drop-down menu with the list of signatures disappears, making it impossible to switch from one signature to another.

We hope that the Microsoft team will address and fix this problem as soon as possible,

Same issue here! Trying to paste an HTML email signature but all the image size attributes get dropped. This is becoming a bit of a roadblock for my work, as I can't use my proper signature right now. Hoping a Microsoft rep can shed some light on this issue and see if there's a fix coming soon!