Upload to OneDrive from Outlook title corruption

Brass Contributor

i have noticed that when using the upload to onedrive feature the document title becomes corrupt/changed/truncated.

has anyone seen/fixed this?

 onedrive.jpgtitle corrupttitle corrupt

7 Replies

I just tested this and I am getting the same results. 


Outlook 2016  MSO (16.0.10325.20082) 32-bit

I viewed it in the desktop client in OneDrive and could see the same stranger underscoring and dashing in place of the letters. I did this with a .pdf and a .jpg. 


I am getting the same result regardless if I save to Onedrive for Business and Personal Onedrive, so it looks like it might be an Outlook issue? Can't say for sure, but it doesn't seem to be the storage location. 

So we have discovered a bug?

this is a huge problem. 

The workaround is obviousy to manually or drag.

Outlook V1807 (Build 10325.20118) - works fine for me

Here are my versions. It looks like i had a pending update so i will install that and get back to you guys.

As of right now this issue is happening to more than 10 users in my org


Hi @Fernando Melo,


Did updating Office fix the issue? THanks!


Stephen Rice

OneDrive Program Manager II

Actually it did! Thank you for following up.
The steps i did to fix this where:

1. open outlook and check for updates.

2. allow the update to install.



now it works.

thank you

Glad to hear it! Thanks!


Stephen Rice

OneDrive Program Manager II