Forum Discussion

Will # _________ H's avatar
Will # _________ H
Brass Contributor
Aug 19, 2019

regarding "Make Avalible Offline" of OneDrive for business

Hi there,   we have a client who want to use OneDrive for business for editing. someone will use the feature of Make Avalible Offline in OneDrive App. my question is the same user open the same fil...
  • ChrisWebbTech's avatar
    Aug 19, 2019

    No, just because you make it available offline doesn't mean it'll edit on the local disk, it will only do so if either A. You are offline, or B. You have the option in onedrive client on Office tab "Use Office application to sync Office files that I open" unchecked, this is on by default. So anytime you open a file connected to onedrive, offline sync or not, it will open Online if connected.

    Office web always opens online file. 


    I see what your asking thou, they are not separate, soon as you update the file on Office web, it will sync to your Local file. And vise versa. There is no separate file. If you edit offline on the offline copy local disk, once you get back online it will upload and update the online copy. If you opened on the web and made changes while you edited that offline file while offline, then you will have a sync conflict that you need to correct. 
