Why Teams Shows a P at the Upper Right of the User Photo


The latest innovation in the Teams client is the display of a P marker to the upper right of the user profile photo (avatar). This means that the client runs public preview software and the marker is intended to allow users and support personal understand when clients run public preview rather than the generally available software. Of course, users only know this when they’re told about the magic P.



4 Replies
Great clarification - thanks!

@Tony Redmond 

It would be good to have a tooltip when you hover over the P

@Tony Redmond Instead of a 'P', I have a 'DF' symbol at the top-right of my profile pic in the upper right corner of Microsoft Teams. Do you know what this means?

P changed to EA on March 15, 2023 https://office365itpros.com/2021/09/13/teams-preview-indicator/

Maybe DF is EA (early access) in another language?