Use Google Calendar to Schedule Microsoft Teams Meetings



In an interesting development, Microsoft has released a Teams meeting add-on for Google Calendar and Google Workspace. You can schedule and access Teams meetings from Calendar, Gmail, and Workspace with bi-directional meeting invitations and updates flowing between Google and Office 365. Quite who will use this feature is uncertain, but it's there if you want it.

4 Replies
Schedule Teams meeting from Google calendar:

@Tony Redmond Schedule Teams meeting from Google calendar:

Slow rollout?
I can't find it in Azure, where it should be according to this documentation.
For anyone interested, the Service Principal for the add-on might not be present in your tenant, you can create it with

$displayName = 'Microsoft Teams meeting add-on for Google Workspace'
$appId = '7969c887-ba98-48bb-8832-6c9239929d7c'
New-AzureADServicePrincipal -AppId $appId -DisplayName $displayName