Teams waiting to let me join the meeting

Copper Contributor
I have a weekly meeting set up using Teams. When I click into the meeting in my calendar, teams is telling me.....
"My name will let you join the meeting shortly"
But it's me that has set up the meeting and me that is logged in, so why is it waiting on me to let me in??!!! I have to then dial everybody that I think wants to join the meeting as equally they can't get in until I let them in!!!
2 Replies
If you are using multiple logins or a Microsoft account saved in your browser it will do this cause I’d you try to edit meeting settings I had the same issue. Open the join link incognito and try it with correct login . If it works then it’s same issue. Seems like a bug we’ll need to report.
Thanks for your quick reply. It's on my work laptop. Which is assigned only to me. And it's only my log in details that are used on it. I know my other colleagues had the same issue the other day. The IT department couldn't figure it out. And so she had to contact the other participants manually.