Teams Meeting attendance and feedback after meeting.

Copper Contributor



we are going to make Microsoft teams, as first mode of communication and collaboration within the organisation. Now many HOD's are adking for the teams meeting attendance and feedback forms after the meeting. 


is that possible ? IF yes, then how we can achieve these things. 


please help us to fulfill this requirement. 



Aman Verma

4 Replies



The only feedback users can give is the quality feedback (1-5 stars).


But there is some uservoice requests for similar functions.


Polls and Forms in Meetings


Can you add a feature that aill allow a post meeting survey to be created in Teams?


If you schedule a meeting in a channel you could create a form using the Forms bot, just type @forms, you could also do that in the meeting chat after the meeting. Or create a form at and send it manually to all participants.



@LinusCansby Hi, I know this is a old comment but I was trying to access your link and it doesn't work anymore. Is there a way to have a post-meeting feedback survey? I undertake interviews with customers and would like to be able to leave the teams meeting ideally and let them fill in a feedback survey (even just one question) there and then without them leaving the meeting or window. Is this possible please or if not, do you have any ideas for what is closest to this solution? At this present moment in time, the only thing I know is possible is emailing them a link to the survey post-meeting.

I'm also interested in this feature -any update?
I didn't find a solution myself unfortunately - but I created a Microsoft form which I can link to in the meeting - not the most ideal solution.