Teams details View vs. Edit View and Sharepoint Views - Content Displays Differently

Copper Contributor
  1. Word file uploaded to Teams Sharepoint
  2. In the Details section on the right, the file displays correctly as it was originally sourced (see Details.png file attached)
  3. When opened in the browser option, file does not display numbers (see Browser.png file attached)

NOTE: We need to have the file display from the Details view also displayed when opening the file via the browser option (with numbering as shown). 

4. When trying to open from the app option, does not allow for user credentials entry, and displays a Connection Lostpop-up message (see APP.png file attached)


5. Upon closing pop-up message, error message This address is not valid displays (see Error.png file attached

NOTE: We need to be able to access the file via the app option, but cannot if we cannot access/open the app from within Teams Sharepoint.


Historical: We did have a linkcreation.dotm file loaded in the templates section for the file in question. I disabled the connection via Templates and Add-Ins (see Template.png file attached).

1 Reply

Hi @kimhudson ,


I would suggest trying all that on a Win 10 machine. If all ok then its down to the combination of your browser/mac/office version. The screenshot says Office 2011? Is that the version you are using or just the version the file was created in. 


What setup do you have - browser/mac/office and have you checked they are all still supported?


Hope that helps
