Forum Discussion
Apr 09, 2021Copper Contributor
Microsoft Teams on MAC wont let me change log in
I have spent 5 hours trying to figure out how to sign into my WORK account. I have tried deleting keychains, I have tried searching for folders mentioned in other strings, and I do not have any. I ha...
- Aug 05, 2022
In case anyone else has the issue that the login is broken or set to an account that no longer exists, remove the "Teams" folder from ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft (Finder - Go to Folder) and remove any "Teams Identity Cache" from Keychain access (search in the top right of the Keychain Access window). Restart Teams and it should prompt for login info.
Sep 17, 2023Copper Contributor
I tried several fixes posted on various forums with no success. What workers for me was a simple workaround. I sent a Teams invitation from a different computer and different teams account (my wife's ) to my email. When I clicked on the invitation link is web based teams asked me if I want to use web or app. I clicked on app which then opened and asked me if I want to stay as a guess or sign in. When I clicked on sign in it allowed me to sign in under a new existing account. Since then it stayed logged on under the new account.
- Carl_KarawaniSep 17, 2023Brass ContributorIf you are using newer version of teams, there are different files to delete to clear cache:
rm -rf ~/Library/Group Containers/
rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/
Ref. pcguy63Sep 20, 2023Copper ContributorAh, good to know, I'll definitely check that out. I support three Mac Teams users at work and every other month I have to clear their preferences to make it stable again. Thank you!