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kimbal5's avatar
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Feb 12, 2020

Microsoft Team - Default Folder/File Sort

Is it possible to change the automatic sort default from "last edited" to alphabetical order? 


  • littletinner's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    not sure if this is relevant to your situation, but I was trying to add a 'tab' on a channel in Teams that would point to a sharepoint document library. When I added it as a 'document library' it would sort in order of last modified (annoying) and wouldn't even show the 'view' options, BUT when I added it as just a sharepoint site, it opens and sorts in order of name, shows the 'view' options as normal and honors the 'all documents' default settings. Both were pointed to the same location/content, but 2 very different views/looks/functions depending on if you choose 'Sharepoint' or 'Document Library'. Maybe this is relevant to how your are accessing the your document library within Teams.

    • HerschelJ's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      Thanks, this solved the same issue I was seeing...
  • TylerH1's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    kimbal5See my answer here:


    Summary: set the default sort in the default view from the SharePoint site rather than from within Teams.


    For users complaining about tablet/mobile not working, make sure the "set as default view for mobile devices" at the bottom of the settings page is also selected. Often there's a different "mobile view" that is set as default for mobile devices for SP lists and libraries.

    • sparanjen's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      TylerH1 Your response to this has been archived so I am unable to read the solution to the files changing order from Sharepoint to Teams document library. 

    • MyUsernameNotAvailable's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      TylerH1 it simply does not work like this for the mobile App (Android). You can select all those checkboxes and the Teams App will still ignore your view and sort by last modified without any chance of manually/automatically changing it...

  • erikogin's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    kimbal5 I am having this issue as well, MS Teams on mobile will always display the latest folder on top and does not sort by alphabetical order by folder name. It is frusfrating as we needed to manage large file repository for a project. Following this thread to see if there's any updates.

    • Alexis2485's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      erikogin Still got the same problem in Teams Mobile. While I can arrange the folders alphabetically in web app, folders aren't alphabetical when I view it on mobile.

      • PaulMc87's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        I’m having the exact same issue - on my desktop view my folders are in the order in which I want them, however, on a tablet or mobile device they go to when they were last edited. Unfortunately, this is not ideal for my intended audience as we want them to work through the files in a certain order. Has a fix not been found for this yet?
  • Andrew Hodges's avatar
    Andrew Hodges
    Bronze Contributor



    Yes - click on the "All Documents" in the top right of the Files view and select edit Current View. 


    Find the sort option and select "Name(Linked to document edit menu)" 



    • ChrisWebbTech's avatar
      This only temporarily works. Once you navigate off and back it goes back to modified.

      This is a known issue. No info on timeline or solution at this time but Microsoft is aware of the issue and unfortunately no way around it currently ;(
      • EricaG's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Hi Chris. Just wondering if this is still an issue and if yes, does MS have any timing on when there will be a solution? ChrisWebbTech 
