End of the Road for Teams Linux Desktop Client



According to notifications sent by Microsoft to customers that have users of the Teams Linux client, Microsoft plans to retire the client in early December and replace it with a progressive web app (PWA). The news is not unexpected. The Teams Linux client has always lagged its Windows and macOS counterparts and was buggy to boot.


3 Replies
Thanks for the info, Tony.

Too bad the PWA is even worse. Just this morning it even told me to go download their linux app.


The PWA is "more" stable but it's also missing features. I don't even remember which ones because I had to give up on the Linux app a while ago when it became obvious that they had abandoned development on it.

You might be using the current web app installed as a PWA. The actual PWA app that will replace the Linux client (and be available for other platforms) is not yet available.