Jul 23 2019 08:38 AM
This has probably been posted, but I've searched a bit and can't find the exact scenario I'm looking for. I want to disable the Banner notifications for Chat Messages but keep the sound notification turned on. Turning Chat Messages notifications "off" is also disabling the sound (even though my Notification Sounds are set to Call, Mention, and Chat). I want to work on my device without the pop-ups caused by the Banner notifications, but I want to be able to hear when I get a chat message. Is there any way to do this?
Jul 23 2019 03:00 PM
Jul 23 2019 06:36 PM
Jul 23 2019 06:39 PM
Mar 16 2020 01:47 AM
Baner to triger sound notification ? - This is the stupidest ever feature MS implemented.
How the heck I can disable banner without disable sound notification for messages !?
What does one have to do with the other?
MS make everithing possible to annoy greater ammount of people - successfuly!
Jan 05 2023 11:51 AM