Forum Discussion
Jun 08, 2021Copper Contributor
Copy Link is not an option
I wish to share a link to a specific message in Teams chat ... however only options are Save this message Mark as unread Share to Outlook Translate the ability to copy a link to a chat ...
- Jun 09, 2021It's available for Teams channel messages, but not for chat messages. And it kind of makes sense, as the latter are private by design and the link can only be used by direct participants in the chat (1:1 or group).
Jun 09, 2021MVP
It's available for Teams channel messages, but not for chat messages. And it kind of makes sense, as the latter are private by design and the link can only be used by direct participants in the chat (1:1 or group).
- DrRobCJun 13, 2023Copper Contributor
VasilMichev wrote:
It's available for Teams channel messages, but not for chat messages. And it kind of makes sense, as the latter are private by design and the link can only be used by direct participants in the chat (1:1 or group).This definitely does NOT make sense.
- I often need to reference messages for later action myself or to others who were part of the chat.
- Such referencing is not necessarily in the MS universe and I therefore need a link.
- If someone outside the chat does click the link, what's the problem? Teams will block their access anyway and so no harm done.
I do this constantly in Slack, but is a serious omission from Teams. No wonder for many of my colleagues, using Teams instead of Slack (we use both) for chat is a grudge choice.
Have you ever tried to find an important message somewhere in all the chats you have in Teams??!!!
You can save messages, but all you're doing then is reducing the problem slightly depending on how many messages you save - in my case it would need to be many.
- emylonasDec 08, 2022Copper Contributor"private by design" --> that's the problem. The chats should not be private by design. That's the mistake. Who says all chats are private? MS should not dictate how users use the tool. Instead, the tool should be designed based on how users communicate.
MS should look at Slack. Slack has the perfect design for this scenario.
If there's anyone listening, the bottom line is: Links to messages in chats are a must. If you need help figuring out the privacy, look at Slack... or just contact me and I'll be happy to help.
Thank you- skirkbyJan 31, 2023Copper Contributor
I will add my voice in support of this need.
I frequently need to capture the link to a specific message in a chat as context for an action that I need to take, or as a reference for a project I am working on. I have as many as 200 projects (using the GTD definition of "project" as "an outcome requiring more than one action to realize") in flight at any given time, and conversations coming at me from every direction - some relevant, many not, some invited, many ad hoc, etc.
Three days from now, I will have an inkling that someone gave me pertinent info about a project (and likely also attached a file or included a table, etc.), I just won't remember exactly when it happened, and whether the person did so as part of one chat group or another, or if it was a direct message just to me.
What's odd is that I can get the URL for a private chat message through an integrated App. I have the Todoist integration added, and I can make a Todoist task out of a chat message. The integrated App adds the task to Todoist with the URL to the chat.I can also do the same thing to OneNote with the OneNote integrated App in Teams.
I usually just do that, and then go to Todoist or OneNote to get the URL so I can copy it into my project references, but then have to clean up by deleting the task or the OneNote note.
If I can get the URL through one of those means, why can I not just copy it to the clipboard from Teams? It's clearly useful, and clearly possible...
- killerantzFeb 24, 2023Copper Contributor
You can also use the Share with Outlook feature. It will open another window, click Edit Link and copy the first part, without the references to outlook. It's weird that you can't share a link in Teams but can share it in Outlook or other apps. It's the same link and a real pain.
To help protect privacy, there could be a share link privacy popup like in SharePoint or Teams file sharing.
- Chris1325Sep 09, 2022Copper Contributor
You said
> It's available for Teams channel messagesNo, it does not. Since monthes, it comes and go, for whatever reason (recurring bug most probably)
Such a pitty and a pain.- SharonStevensonJun 14, 2023Copper ContributorAgree ... one day the option is there, and the next it isn't. Definitely a bug.
- chrisribeFeb 25, 2022Brass ContributorThis MS teams feature is broken (as others have stated bellow).
Not having "copy link" prevents me from giving the reference to previous chats. Even if the user was part of the private conversation. All I can say to them is try searching for xyz....
I have over 100 chat channels or conversations to deal with. So giving me a simple way to reference them all should be a given. If it's private just pop an access request screen !- wplateMar 31, 2022Copper ContributorI am inviting three people to a Teams meeting. I want those three people to see the message I sent them in Teams chat (the same three people are in that chat), so I wanted to copy a link to that message to paste into the meeting invite. I get the privacy concern in the answer above, but that's solvable. Only people with access to that chat and that message should be able to successfully open the link. This is not the first time I've hit this, and clearly other users except this functionality too. MS, please consider.
- chrisribeApr 01, 2022Brass ContributorExactly, this sums it up perfectly thanks !
- BartoslawJan 31, 2022Copper Contributor
I think that You can copy link to a massage in standard channel, but it's unfortunatelly not possible for private chanell.
- Joerg_BrueggemannJan 05, 2022Copper Contributor
That would be nice.
But - now one year later - I've got the same problem even within a channel. But the problem does not exist in all channels. In some channels I've got the "copy link" ("Link kopieren" in german) and at least in one, I only have the share via Outlook option /"Mit Outlook teilen").
Does anyone know why?
- Chris1325Sep 09, 2022Copper ContributorSame kind of observation. Would also be very glad to know why... and to have it "everywhere" !
- luongbuiDec 08, 2021Copper ContributorSlack allows to copy any messages of any channel or chat, private or public. The person that click the link of the message will be able to read the message or not based on the account permission.
Is there any chance to see this implemented in Teams?
Imho is very convenient to be able to refer to any messages, knowing that only the right account will be able to read the message after opening the link.