We are proud to announce the launch of the third party app Jira Cloud Bot integration for Microsoft Teams. Jira is built for every member of your software team to plan, track, and release great software. Jira Cloud bot enables team members to easily find issues, assign them to team members, make edits, log time against an issue, watch/unwatch and vote/unvote on the issue.
You can start the conversation by mentioning Jira Cloud bot in the channel scope. In personal scope you do not need to mention the bot. You can start by searching for the work item using keywords or mentioning the direct action (ex: log) for the work item. From search results, selecting the work item you were looking for will open an actionable card which provides a quick summary of the along with several actionable options like assign, log work, watch etc. Edits made to the work item will refresh the work item card in its place. For example, If you update the priority from low to medium, work item card will refresh in place to who new priority.
Jira Cloud Tab Updates
Jira Cloud Tab has also been updated in this release.
Jira Cloud personal tab or channel tab gives you access to all your work items in Teams itself – items assigned to you, reported by you as well as access to your customized filters. In personal tab, you can also filter on work items based on their status.
‘Create Issue’ functionality allows you to create a Jira work item from Teams itself. You can choose the project and work item type that you want to create and provide additional details (Summary, Description, Assigned To). Jira Cloud tab gets refreshed in place to show your work item in the list.
Clicking on a work item will open the description view that provides additional details about the work item like status, priority etc. at the same time enables you to change summary, description, Assignee, Status, Priority. You also have an option to comment on the work item from description view.
Jira Cloud Bot and Jira Cloud Tab for Microsoft Teams are available for download in Teams AppStore. Details for purchasing and licensing Jira can be found here.
Updated Jan 26, 2021
Version 6.0Amit Oberoi
Joined June 27, 2018
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