Apr 17 2021 07:08 PM
I have a question that about a solution i am considering using PowerShell and MEM on BYOD systems.
Please excuse me as I am an amateur but are trying to increase my skills to make myself employable in the ICT field, so if it is not considered "best practice" explain why.
I have a test tenant with a few joined machines and quite a few more BYOD personal PC's. I use this for testing, research and learning how to manage computers. My goal here is not to lock them down like in a corporate environment but to manage aspects of their security and gain knowledge and skills in MSDE hunting and other functionality.
My question is this. Whilst looking at a my security recommendations I came across a article to "wake" devices for maintenance. I cant do this via GP so I had to use other methods. I found that using PowerShell I can alter the scheduled tasks on a device, either joined or personal and I am interested in using this rather than using PowerShell to alter the registry keys. I could use this for Google software for example (Google places entries in the task scheduler)
Sample code like so
Source - https://richardbalsley.com/configuring-windows-10-devices-to-wake-and-update-outside-of-class-time
Lookup variables want to run whether idle or not
Created 05-04-2021
Testing - Draft Only
$task = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName InvokeMaintenance -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If(-not $task)
$ST_A = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "cmd" -Argument "/c"
$ST_T = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtStartup
$ST_S = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -DisallowHardTerminate -RunOnlyIfIdle -MaintenancePeriod 24:00:00 -StartWhenAvailable -WakeToRun -ExecutionTimeLimit 00:30:00 -Priority 0
$ST_P = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId "SYSTEM" -LogonType ServiceAccount -RunLevel Highest
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName "InvokeMaintenance" -Action $ST_A -Trigger $ST_T -Settings $ST_S -Principal $ST_P
If somebody would be kind enough to point me to a blog, forum other other medium that goes into this in more detail or give me examples, pitfalls or just a professional opinion on this, I would be appreciate it. This code is actually setting a entry, but the machines are not waking. I assume its a idle time problem.
I am aware that this is an attack vector, but I can run queries in MSDE and monitor the processes, and should probably be doing this anyway.
Thankyou in advance
Apr 19 2021 12:11 AM
Apr 24 2021 04:17 AM