Forum Discussion
Pre-Fill Responses not being recognised / applied
I figured out how to do this with an Excel file with a table within it with protection added so that they can only modify certain columns.
Perhaps this will work for you:
I created an Excel file with a table in it and I'm using it like a template (although stored as a workbook).
Within the "template" file I have a table called Table, and I have columns that are intended for reference info that will be read-only for the end user (written to as part of this flow) and columns for the external public user to edit.
I use a Copy File action to duplicate it and give it a unique name.
I add rows to the table within the new excel file.
Since I'm working with a copied file, I'm using the Id output of the Copy a File action for the file reference. Because of this, the Add a Row Into a Table action will not pull the list of tables and the list of columns, but you can manually specify these by typing the name of the table exactly and specifying the column data like this with exact matches for column names:
"Proposed Invoice Number": "INV-9999",
"Description": "Blah blah blah 9999 blah",
"Subtotal (before tax)": "123.45",
"Request Date": "",
"Status": "Waiting on PO number"
Columns that I want them to enter data into don't need to be listed above and they'll default to blank. I've added conditional formatting to highlight the cells red when they're blank for the columns I want them to fill in.
I use an office script to lock the columns that I don't want the customer to edit, and I unlock the columns that I do want them to edit. Script is below. I'm using LockRange of A:E and UnlockRange of F:G. You can easily customize.
I create a sharing link with Edit enabled.
I send the email with the link.
Then I can use a flow to detect the change in a file in the folder so that I can then process the change.
Here is the Office Script for locking the excel file, which can easily be called from Power Automate: