Empty cells after exporting to Excel

Copper Contributor

Hi there,


I createad a survey form which included a question where students had to rate an item on a 7-step likert scale. So I created 7 empty bullets and the could select the one of there preference. Above the one most to the left I placed the word 'never'. Above the 4th I place 'Every now and then'. And above the 7th I placed 'Always'. After exporting to Excel I found out only the bullets underneath the words were transformed into those words. When a student had picked bullet 2, 3, 5, or 6, an empty cell was returned. So I have not all the info I need. 

I checked the first 300 respondents manually and thus I was able to reconstruct there answers in my Excel sheet. For every later respondent I can only see there responses in Excel, which makes me returning to my first problem.

I tried to delete the form of respondent 1. But still then I can only see forms 1 to 299. Nr. 300 doesn't excist anymore. 

Who can help me with this?

Kind regards,

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