May 22 2018
10:58 AM
- last edited on
Aug 06 2023
03:40 PM
May 22 2018
10:58 AM
- last edited on
Aug 06 2023
03:40 PM
I was wondering if there was a way to quickly copy and past a list possible answers to a Microsoft Forms multiple choice question. I will often have an Excel list of 50 possible answers in a column. It would be great when building a form if I could select the first possible multiple choice question box and the pasted answers would automatically become different answers. Currently when I past the entire list of 50, it just stretches across one answer.
May 23 2018 06:26 PM
May 24 2018 07:52 AM
The only workaround to this I could think of so far is to use a "template" form and just duplicate that--I've observed no way so far to copy/paste multiple choice options so far.
Apr 27 2021 03:56 PM
While there is no specific option to duplicate, you can use this hack:
Type the list of your responses that you'd like to duplicate, one response choice per line into Notepad (or Excel). Select all, copy and paste into the first response choice box of your question, and it should automatically populate the entire list into separate response choices!
Aug 11 2021 07:17 AM
Jan 19 2022 08:41 AM
I just copy and pasted a list from word into the first option and it populated them into separate answer choices. There were carriage returns between my options. Here's a picture from MS Word.
Mar 09 2022 12:59 AM
Strangely, I tried the same and it doesn't work. These are my options
But when I paste them into Form, only the first option will appear.
I was even thinking there wasn't enough options so I added a few more. Nope.