Cannot submit form Submission failed as it is asking for personal or sensitive information

Copper Contributor

I've created a form and shared it to myself, filled out and trying to submit it, it's not letting me do it. I have the error "Submission failed as it is asking for personal or sensitive information". How do I fix this issue? Don't want to refill the form.Screenshot_131.png


2 Replies

Hi @Tech_2000 


What other questions are you asking on the survey? Also, do you have the form redirecting (using branching rules) to a website after the form is submitted? Those could potentially be causing the submission fail. Take a look at this link for more information:



@Tech_2000 , same issue. I had to create a copy of the form so people could fill-out the form without this security message.... I did not change anything in it. Again very bad communication from Microsoft. There should be a way to validate the form when building it.