Automatic Id Generator

Copper Contributor
Hi all,

I want to know if there is a feature where if a team member submits a form they are provided with a reference number e.g 1000. Then when the next person submits they will.receive unique reference number 1001 etc.

Thank yoi
2 Replies

@Shamiqbal not with Forms on its own. What we do is to hold the number in a list in SharePoint - it's the only item in the list. Then with a flow in Power Automate, when a new Forms response is submitted it:


  • gets the number from the SharePoint list;
  • saves the answers on the form and the number into a different SharePoint list;
  • adds the answers from the form and the number into a confirmation email back to the submitter;
  • increments the number in the first list by 1.

This works very well except where you have forms submissions coming in at exactly the same time as each response reads the same number in the first list. I will be continuing to work for a solution to this over the weekend as this is a real-world problem that has arisen in my company.


Los Gallardos
Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User

Hi Rob,

Soinss like a good alternative for sure. Are you able to share the workflow from automate please?

