Forum Discussion

FredericDion's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 08, 2023

Organizer right in a teams metting generated by Bookings with the new multiple staff mode

Hi !


we started using bookings in the new "multiple staff" mode recently (1 service, 2 staff members with 1 customer in a Teams meetings generated by Bookings) and we got stuck on the organizer rights in the Teams meeting of our service.


What we would like is that staff member #1 (Jane Smith) is always the organizer of the Teams meeting generated by Bookings in the appointement, but currently it is always staff member #2 (John Smith) who is considered the organizer of the meeting in Teams


there doesn't seem to be a way in bookings to specify which staff member should be the Teams meeting organizer or appointment owner


it also doesn't seem that bookings randomly assigns organizer rights since each new meeting generated, it's always the same staff member who gets the rights (but not the one we want...)


example :


Staff #1 (Jane) + Staff #2 (John) in the service, the teams meeting in bookings is generated with staff #2 as organizer


we remove staff #2 from the service and generate a new reservation then staff #1 is the organizer (she is now the only staff member assigned to the service so it’s ok)


we put staff #2 back in the service and after a new reservation, staff #2 is again the organizer


we remove staff #1 from the service and generate a new reservation and staff #2 is the organizer (he is the only staff member in the service so it's normal)


we put staff #1 back in the service and during a new reservation, staff #2 is still the organizer


the order in which members are added to the service does not seem to be the criteria by which bookings manages who is the organizer of the teams meeting


bookings also doesn't seem to assign the right alphabetically by name or username. (we tried with different user Jane Smith, John Smith, Zack Zmith, Ana Amith). We tested several scenarios, but never found a way to choose or force which staff member would always be considered the organizer.


If anyone has a solution or a lead, we're all ears!

  • Hi,

    This is by design behavior and there is no way to assign a particular staff as organizer for an appointment today.



  • Joe_1's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    FredericDion I'm also running into this issue, except the organizer is a test user for my organization. So if I let bookings create the teams meeting, I have no control over it at all. Would be nice if there is some solution to this.
