Customer Management Booking Option Issue

Copper Contributor


I am encountering an issue with the customer management of bookings. Despite disabling the option that allows customers to manage their appointment when it's booked by our staff on their behalf, customers are still receiving email confirmations with the option to manage the appointment. This occurs specifically when appointments are scheduled from the bookings page.

I want to disable this option for customers entirely. 

2 Replies

Hi @luisafrancoj, this is by design. Appointments booked from booking page always allows customer management. Since here the staff is doing it on behalf of the customer, this feature can be controlled by making the bookings from the staff/admin Bookings page. thanks.  

Hello @Debasish_Thakure,
Thank you for your clarification. I'd like to inquire if there is a way to completely disable any notifications originating from bookings.