Bookings Service Availability Date Range Issue

Copper Contributor

A bit of background to our usage of Microsoft Bookings. We are using the Bookings solution to offer one off 90 minute 'drop-in' sessions with no specific staff being selectable. Due to this, the available dates for sessions are sporadic and in no set pattern.


To configure this, I've set the general availability to 'Not bookable', where I then customise the individual services with availability date ranges to fulfil our purpose - so far so good!




When viewing this on the bookings page, everything is presenting as expected:




However, as I continue to add available date ranges for a service, eventually the service seemingly somehow overrides the aforementioned configuration and the 'Time Increments' and 'Allow customers to choose specific staff...' options are seemingly set back to some previous configuration (I've checked and it is being changed to values that are not set at either a Bookings or service level), which then results in the following:



If I return to the service configuration and remove the last available date range I added (prior to what is presented in the above screenshot), it reverts back to viewing correctly (90 minute intervals with no selectable staff). 


Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is this a known bug? Is there a limit to how many available date ranges can be added to a service? Any help would be appreciated!

3 Replies

@kredney I have a similar issue for a customer where a customer needs to schedule service availability in the Bookings app for days in advance, including the CURRENT DAY, starting at 5 minutes before the hour (i.e., 7:55 AM or 3:55 PM, etc.) Unfortunately, even allowing several hours in advance, the Bookings app will not show availability for the CURRENT day unless we set the availability to start on the hour, not five minutes before the hour as desired. This seems to be a bug. We've tried entering multiple times, and only ones that start on the hour will show in the public calendar app. 

@Greg_Dutton; @kredney I am having the same issue.  In one instance the service A does not show the last 2 days of availability as indicated by the dates of service set under the booking. For another service B the dates of service selected within service B are being over written by another service as it will begin on the same date as service A even though it was scheduled to begin later. I even tried assigning the services to different staff members; but it did not help. The other concern I  am experiencing is the hours of service availability are not responding to the entered hours under the service. Somehow they are overlapping and I cannot figure out how to get the scheduling portion of bookings to respond and provide booking opportunities as indicated by the service availability and hours requested/entered within the service creation. Any ideas on how to correct or circumvent?  I have about 5 other services I need to add to the calendar.        



Thanks for this thread.  I totally missed the set date range at the bottom of the service definition page.  Not sure why it is not more prominant...  Looks like a footnote to me.