Booking 30-minute meetings only on the hour.

Copper Contributor



I work for a company that has a centralized hiring system so we complete many online interviews. Currently, I use a personal booking page but am switching to shared booking page because I want the option to add required questions for my applicants to fill out prior to booking an interview.


However, I am running into an issue with scheduling with the shared booking page. My interview slots are 30 minutes, but on my personal booking page I had it set to limit start times to 1-hr intervals, so it would ONLY book at the top of the hour, and give me 30 minutes in between each interview to prep for the next. I have my outlook calendar specifically set up so people can only book at 9am, 10am, 11am, 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm. I do not want Bookings to give them the option to book at 9:30, 10;30, etc because then it becomes too much. Even if I set the time increments to 1 hr while keeping the 30 minute interview time, bookings still gives it the option to schedule at the half an hour. Is there a way to get the best of both worlds with the required questions and 1-hr intervals? 

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