your microsoft exchange administrator has blocked the version of outlook that you are using contact

Brass Contributor

your microsoft exchange administrator has blocked the version of outlook that you are using contact administrator for assistance


Juts checking with 2010 outlook version






15 Replies

@PrashanthKasula Following.  Just ran into this with 5 users at a company we support.  

Same for us just today, for users using Outlook 2010
same here
exchange 2013 on prem
not all clients - also they have the same outlook version
tried to uninstall teams - perhaps this forces the message -> not the solution.
any idea? nothing change in environment.
i got it.
the clients use exchange on prem by default ... but they have an 365-account , too (other company) - in in o365 outlook 2010 is no longer supported.
There is a rolling upgrade of the Exchange system which is now onto 2010 and this will stop any connectivity from the client. Full details here:
Does anyone know if this blocking will affect Outlook for companies that have a self-hosted Exchange Server?

@PrashanthKasula It all depends on what version on Exchange server is self-hosted. The later the Exchange version, the less likely older version of Outlook will be supported. To be honest 2016 is really the minimum these days and perhaps 2013 with patches, but really 2016 is what is still considered a mainstream client I would suggest.

What`s going on with microsoft?? suffocate its users?
where MS want to go? to pay for use? monthly payments?
I think that Mr. gates, aging isn`t doing any good.
No, older versions generally don't support all the latest security features. For the product to remained certified it has been secure. Look at cars today, they all have ABS, driver assist lane change, airbags, etc. All that costs more but keep you safer and is a requirement for all new vehicles. If you really wanted to you can still use older versions of Outlook and Exchange with POP3 and IMAP but they won;t be very secure.

@RobertCrane Yeah, but if new safety features come out for cars, your current car doesn't just stop working.

However, your older car will probably fail annual inspection and not be allowed to participate on the road with other drivers if it's safety features don't meet contemporary levels.
Sort of drives home my point, actually. Cars have to meet the safety (in the case of annual inspections) and emission (in the case of smog checks) standards *for the year they were manufactured.* No one is going to refuse to let you register your car for not having a catalytic converter if it didn't come with a catalytic converter.

MS is trailing into TeamViewer territory. No one should be okay with it, let alone advocating for it.
MS sets the rules of the road here and that comes with limits on the age of vehicles. 2013 is about 10 years old now. In technology terms a lot has changed in that time and building on an old base isn’t a good approach for a modern world to achieve optimal outcomes.