Searching Both Teams and Exchange in Office 365

Iron Contributor

Many of us are using Teams to communicate with people but we haven't stopped using email. So we now have our communications in two places. 


Somebody asked me today: "Someone sent me some information and a link about "X" a while ago but I don't remember if it was in an email or a Teams chat. How can I search both to find the message?"


Is there a way for a user to search both their mailbox and Teams chats at the same time?


I thought I saw somewhere that Teams chats were stored in a hidden folder in user's mailboxes so it makes sense that it would be possible. Is it?

2 Replies
No, not really. Chats are stored for compliance purposes only, end users cannot search against them.
Thanks Vasil
I was hoping there was something I missed.

Both the Teams chat search and the one in web Outlook seem fairly good but they work differently. It would be better if you could search both at the same time but it isn't the end of the world to have to do two searches to find something.