Moving domain between Office 365 tenants

Copper Contributor

I need to move one SMTP domain between Office 365 tenants. If I add this domain to tenant 2 so that I can get the TXT record for for verification will it have effect for email routing for users that are sending mail to this domain from tenant 2? 

5 Replies

Hi JX,

You can use Cloudiway's tool if you need to migrate from one Office 365 tenant to another.

Check it out 

Domain migration between tenants is not possible with the manual method, but you can perform this task. To perform this task you have to take the help of automated solution in which you can migrate a domain users mailboxes between tenants. Visit here - to get all steps to perform this task.


No it will not have any effect on mail routing. As a matter of fact, mail routing is not moved until you update MX record to point to new tenant and remove the domain from old tenant. You're on the right path by wanting to get the TxT record and creating it in DNS so it starts to propagate.

for the seamless and complete process, you do not need to anywhere else. Just go through the migrate Office 365 domain to another tenant  article and use the expert-recommended tool