Hi, I have problem with basic auth login to imap service.
Cant login with basic auth to imap server. Connectivity analyzer error below.
User have acces to iamp/pop3/smtp, same with turn off modern auth.
Please verify There was an error testing the IMAP service Collapse Additional Details Protocol Log: C: 1 CAPABILITY S: * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready. [RABCADMAUABSADAAOABDAEEAMAAwADEANwAuAGUAdQByAHAAcgBkADAAOAAuAHAAcgBvAGQALgBvAHUAdABsAG8AbwBrAC4AYwBvAG0A] S: * CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 AUTH=PLAIN AUTH=XOAUTH2 SASL-IR UIDPLUS ID UNSELECT CHILDREN IDLE NAMESPACE LITERAL+ S: 1 OK CAPABILITY completed. C: 2 LOGIN m.kochanowski@ksservice.pl ******** S: 2 NO LOGIN failed. Exception details: Message: The IMAP server responded with an error status "2 NO LOGIN failed.". Type: Microsoft.M365.RCA.Services.Protocols.Imap.ImapServerErrorException Stack trace: at Microsoft.M365.RCA.Services.Protocols.Imap.ImapCommand`1.CheckForOk(IList`1 response) at Microsoft.M365.RCA.Services.Protocols.Imap.LoginCommand.ProcessResponse(IList`1 response) at Microsoft.M365.RCA.Services.Protocols.ProtocolClient.[SendCommandAsync]d__17`1.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at Microsoft.M365.RCA.ConnectivityTests.ImapPop.BaseProtocolTest.[PerformTestInternalAsync]d__12.MoveNext()