
Copper Contributor

I read and feel lots of frustration with d.docs.live. I have gone to manage accounts and deleted the password as directed in several blogs. I do not understand what this is, what it does, where you find good information on it. It is one of the most frustrating things I have encountered. I have probably read 20-30 posts on the subject and it appears I am not alone. The crytic message below is no help whatsoever.




3 Replies

@cliff brock Hello! You've posted this in the Away from Keyboard area, which is intended for non-technical/product-focused discussions, so not quite appropriate for this post.


I'm moving this to the Microsoft 365 discussion space since it appears to be related to credentials/authorization, but if it belongs somewhere different, feel free to let me know.


Also sharing this article in case it is helpful: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/connecting-to-ddocslivenet-enter-your-credent...



Thanks, Eric, still trying to find my way through the various sections. I appreciate your help and patience.



BTW. Not sure I have read this particular one (though I think I remember her name), but I have done this. I went back to d.docs.live on manage your credentials and it was gone, hence no pw to erase. I had erase it before. Still demanded "credentials." If I understood it I could get the credentials thing set and then would have an appropriate response when called upon.