Jun 18 2018 04:27 AM
Hi, I need send a automatic reply when a person write to a email that is a Distribution List, in the Rules I can't check "reply" and not exists "automatic reply" in the Distribution... How can resolve it?
Thank you
Jun 18 2018 07:35 AM
Jun 18 2018 08:11 AM
I need reply only if you write a the email group, if I set autoreply I reply to all person...
I create a distribution listi curriculum@mydomain.com and when arrive a email I need reply from sender "we have received... you privacy ecc"
Jun 18 2018 09:09 AM
Can you let us know the exact requirement here, have you considered using "MailTip" for the distribution lists?
Jun 18 2018 12:06 PM
I need create a account and all email are send to 3/4 person... when a person write at this account receive back a email with a statict text
I have create a email cv@mydomain.com in to email group with "distribution list" and I have add 4 user and is all ok, when a person write at cv@mydomain.com the other 4 person receive the email... now I want reply at the sender a text "We have received your messagge.... bla bla bla"
Jun 29 2018 07:16 AM
Hi Stefano,
This article may come in handy: https://www.codetwo.com/admins-blog/setting-an-autoreply-for-a-distribution-group/.
All the best,
Apr 28 2022 10:12 PM
Hi ,
Is it possible to Enable Forwarding and Auto reply on DL @Mitch King