Add Additional License of Exchange Online Billing Issue

Copper Contributor

Hi, everyone,

I have some question about the Exchange Online Billing. For example, if I purchase 5 licenses and pay annually (let say 2023/01/01 to 2023/12/31). And then I  buy 1 more additional license at 2023/04/15. What is the cost and charging period of this additional license?


it will same end date of previous 5 licenses at 2023/12/31 and prorate the cost? or the additional license will have separate charging from 2023/04/15 - 2024/04/14?


Thank you!

4 Replies

do not have the ability to add or modify licenses for Exchange Online. This is something that can only be done by an authorized administrator for the Microsoft 365 tenant.

However, if you are experiencing billing issues with Exchange Online, you may want to contact Microsoft Support for assistance. They can help you troubleshoot the issue and ensure that your billing is accurate online payment gateway in Uae and up-to-date.

thanks for your reply! you means that I can't add / modify the license of Exchange Online until the next subscription period (e.g. year 2024)?


Do you have any contract such as CSP or EA, if yes, you can purchase the subscription until the contract end date, take below as an example, you can only purchase 8 months for 15-Apr one

Hi Ip, I haven't contact CSP or EA yet. I just plan to buy those license via online platform.

So that I want to clarify this question before confirm the order. Thank you so much!