Delist Portal not working

Copper Contributor


I'm trying to delist my server's IP address using this form, but all I get is the following error when I try to submit the form:

Step 1: Our messaging service has experienced a temporary issue, please resubmit your information below.

See screenshot


I've been trying to resubmit, but it never works. Don't know where to issue a bug report.


Best regards,



26 Replies
I have the same issue. Can this please be fixed Microsoft?

Same issue. Can microsoft solve it asap? we have a SMTP IP addresss need to be unblocked. thanks 


i have the same issue.

seems to be a recurrent problem.

@Pernille-Eskebo do you uplan to have an issue about this?

some similar messages are dating from 2020... 

the isue still ongoing,
the users of office 365 can recibe the emails of our new email server

@hm... we have the same issue. Is there other portal that works?

This is very blocking issue. Our customers can't contact with office365 😕

This is getting beyond a joke, its been 3 days since this was reported and still no update or resolution. This is a priority issue and should be dealt with as such, we are unable to use our production systems as we can't delist an IP for one of our servers.

@David-Allan This is happening for about one week now. I waited very patiently before posting this error. I hope Microsoft can fix this ASAP, but there's no reply from them. 

If you find another solution to get delisted, please let me know.

Will do @machadoug I have followed up with our MS Partner to see if they can get some movement on this issue.

Guys, i have same issue since 2 day, any other possible way to delist


any one checked the viability to sue microsoft for this issue? 

their users are not receiving the invoices nor the purchase order from non microsoft users, generating a direct loss on both sides

@Sergi_Fonoyet, no I didn't check.

As a workaround, until this gets fixed, I'm in the process of configuring Amazon SES for all domains in our server, but it's going to be costly...

I'm having the same problem @machadoug for 2 days.  Wondering if anyone had any success, or if Microsoft fixed the issue?

I have raised a priority ticket with our MS partners, fingers crossed we get a decent response and i'll keep this post updated. I can't move my project forward until this is resolved.
Thanks, same problem here ...
can you please share you solution ?
I keep receiving reject error "Remote Server returned '550 5.7.606 Access denied, banned sending IP [*.*.*.*]
and cant delist using online form, im getting same error about "temporary issue".
There is no solution currently @nikolayv
We have raised a P2 ticket 4 hours ago and still no response from Microsoft on this matter. Expected response time is two hours. Guess they are breaching their SLA's.
Ok. Sadly.
It looks like they just fixed it, I was able to delist an IP a few minutes ago.