Welcome to the Microsoft Mesh Creator discussion space: a hub for developers, artists, and creators


Greetings and a warm welcome to the Mesh Creator discussion space! I'm Milena Paumen, and I'm absolutely thrilled to usher in this exciting new chapter in our shared journey. As we prepare for the launch of the Discussion Space for the Mesh Dev/Creator Community, I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and convey my deep enthusiasm for this remarkable community.


We are delighted that you've chosen to be a part of this inclusive community, where you'll discover a unique opportunity to stay informed about product updates, delve into upcoming sessions, access valuable resources, and engage with fellow professionals who are dedicated to crafting software solutions using Microsoft's Mesh.


Within this space, you'll uncover the immense power of connecting with other technologists who, like you, are navigating the intricacies of project creation. Please feel free to initiate and nurture discussions on subjects that pique your curiosity.


As our community of customers and partners continues to grow, we hope you find immense value in forging meaningful connections, and we eagerly anticipate your feedback. We encourage you to extend invitations to your team members to join us here. And don't forget to take a moment to introduce yourself to the collective; we'd love to get to know you better.


Allow me to share a bit more about myself: In my role as a CXPM within the Mesh Engineering team, I've had the privilege of working closely with our exceptional engineers who meticulously craft our products. My primary focus is to ensure that we provide the highest level of support possible to developers within our customer and partner organizations.


My journey at Microsoft also encompassed contributing to the development of the Microsoft Surface portfolio. While I have since embarked on new horizons, my appreciation for the transformative power of community remains steadfast. Beyond the realm of technology, I'm an enthusiastic traveler, a part-time professor, and I deeply cherish the moments spent with my family.


As we embark on this new chapter with the launch of the Mesh Dev/Creator Community's Discussion Space, I genuinely look forward to connecting with each and every one of you. Your diverse experiences, boundless creativity, and shared passion for innovation will undoubtedly propel our community to new heights.


I extend my sincere gratitude for your unwavering dedication to our Mesh Dev/Creator Community. Together, let's make this launch an unforgettable milestone in our journey.

7 Replies
hi Folks,

Welcome to the Mesh community!

I've been with Microsoft on the Mixed Reality/HoloLens/Mesh teams for ~8 years, and working with 3D interactive software for over 20 years. (Hi, Havok developers and gamers!)

I'm currently a Customer Experience Program Manager (CXPM) leading one of our teams in Mesh. Our goals are learn how you're using Mesh, how you'd like to use Mesh, and how you're unable to use Mesh due to bugs, features gaps etc. so we can find a way to help in the near term, and learn how to make Mesh even better in the long term.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Luke O'Reilly
Hey y'all!

Excited to kick off this new Mesh community! 🙂

I'll introduce myself as well - I'm a Product Manager on the Mesh Developer Platform team. I'm currently focused on Mesh Physics, running awesome developer events like Mesh Dev Kitchens, and improving the platform's quality through a mix of customer feedback, user research, and platform and performance optimizations.

Looking forward to engaging on this new channel!

-Rebecca Burke-Aguero

Hey Mesh developers! 


Can't wait to see what this community creates using Mesh. 🧪


A quick introduction, I'm a Technical Design Manager on the Mesh Developer Platform team. I've been working on Mesh & Mixed Reality at Microsoft since 2016. Before joining Microsoft I made video games, for about a decade, at AAA and indie sized game studios.


I currently own and maintain the optimization and graphics portions of the Mesh Toolkit. These are tools like the Content Performance Analyzer, Visual Profiler, and Graphics Tools. My team also owns many of the Mesh samples, like Mesh 101 and Toybox. 


Always happy to talk about all things graphics, performance, gameplay, and samples - please don't hesitate to reach out! No question is too big or too small. And if I don't know the answer, I'll try and connect you with someone who does.


Random fun fact, as a child I was an extra in MNight Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense. 

Welcome to the Mesh community! Excited to kick things off. 

I’m a Technical Designer on the Mesh Developer Platform team, the owner of the Toybox Sample, and design lead for the Mixed Reality Content & Learning program.

Looking forward to connecting on this channel and seeing all the great stuff being built with Mesh.

-Brandon Palmer


My name is Glenn Jones and I am a Unity freelance developer. I landed here from the post by Leila Amirsadeghi on LinkedIn which referenced a post on the Microsoft blog.

I have had some previous exposure to AltspaceVR and have done a number of projects for customers on the Unity based EngageXR platform. I am really looking forward to the public preview of Mesh becoming available next month. It will be exciting to learn and work with Mesh as the preview gets underway.

Thanks for creating this community to discuss this platform.

@Milena_Paumen Hi everyone, stoked to hear about public preview going live. I have already requested our IT but I expect that might take a while. 

I'm a product manager at the digital innovation group of a shipbuilder in Germany but don't worry in my past life I was a developer of AR/VR apps and created and ran virtual events in digital spaces for AVEVA, mostly in Mozilla hubs. https://youtu.be/7I-BNZ_iLGc


My new workplace has the special situation of having approx 6000 of our workers being craftspeople who work in the shipyards welding, hammering and so on and the rest are in the office , designing in 3D, planning and doing procurement. My team is effectively a start up who are mostly home based but we need to collaborate with the yards in Finland and Germany and the customers in the US. Hoping Mesh 4 teams will help us to collaborate better. 

A longer review of my side Hussle at AVEVA creating digital spaces and events. Over the course of 2020-2022 I created several digital experiences for AVEVA and AVEVA's clients using webXR technology and digitial collaboration platforms. This is a review of that work for historical records.
Hello all!

I work as a Creative Lead in Sulava which is a Microsoft partner in Finland and a subsidiary of a Dutch company called The Digital Neighbourhood. I am responsible for driving the design and creative aspects of Mesh projects. My tasks typically include conceptualization, development and the oversight of the visual and artistic elements of a project, ensuring that it aligns with the overall vision and objectives. I have worked daily with Mesh since May and I'm a two-time veteran of Mesh DevKitchen held at Microsoft HQ in Redmond.