change employee ID to email address format in exchange online


Dear Expert


My business requirements is that users need to able to sign-in to Office 365 using UPN with email address format. Currently, their username is the <EmployeeID>


A customer has Azure ADConnect. Do you have the suggested solution to do it? 

will Outlook configuration change?

3 Replies
This is something you can do with PowerShell:
Connect-MsolService -Credential $Office365Cred
set-msoluserprincipalname -newuserprincipalname <new_user_principal_name> -userprincipalname <Old_UserPrincipalName>

How about Azure AD Connect and Outlook configuration?

Hi Kumton,


First of all you have to change the UPN in your On-Premises AD, then do a sync.

After you change the UPN like Juan said, your users have to use new UPN format to login and to Outlook reconfigure the profile.


Note: After you change your UPN services like Skype for Business their login and SIP will change to the new one.