2210 HF4 still broken on Server 2019 and new Teams

Brass Contributor

Hi Everyone,


so, I assume everyone's been testing the new 2210 HF4 this morning/last night?


I've got two Citrix Session Hosts, Server 2022 and Server 2019

Both of them have the latest FSLogix installed, and they share the same GPO for the FSLogix configuration. 

They've also got a common redirections.xml file for both Servers. Logging into a Session host creates both a normal profile folder and a local_<user> folder for redirected folders/files

For testing, I've been deleting the vhdx files between tests on each server, so there's no potential issues using a profile container between the two different OSes.

Also, I've only got a single profile container configured - I'm not using an Office container

I've also got the latest new Teams installed on both servers. Server 2022 was installed via the bootstrapper and Server 2019 was installed via DISM as per the recommended method.


Server 2022 - when i log in to this OS using a test account configured for FSLogix, and start new Teams, everything is fine. When i log off, both the user profile and local_<user> folders get deleted.


Server 2019 - Doing exactly the same operation on this server, after starting new Teams, then logging off, the local_<user> folder fails to get deleted. The error message in the FSLogix operational logs are "Error removing directory: C:\users\local_<xxxx>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\IdentityCache\1\UD\.... The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)"


Note that the location under AppData\Local\... can change between different tests as there are a lot of different files locked and this is the first file FSLogix came across during the logoff process.


Running sysinternals Handle64.exe shows that the files are open by "System" (pid = 4)

Also, I can't delete the folders manually as administrator after the user has logged off either, unless i reboot the server.


This issue only occurs after I've run new Teams for the first time. If i start clean without a profile container, log in, start Word, Excel, Outlook, etc, but don't start new Teams, the issue doesn't occur. Once I've started Teams, even if i shut it down, the local_<user> folder can't be removed/deleted.


Anyone else experiencing this?


31 Replies
I've tested this and the local profile cache gets successfully deleted when my test user logs off, every time.
On test profile with new .vhdx is working now en teams start when removing line <Exclude Copy="0">AppData\Local\Packages</Exclude>.

When trying existing profile with above line removed cant start the windows start button. also Teams not starting.
Teams gets installed into your profile under the Packages folder so you can't exclude that (or any of the other modern apps under that folder) as that will make it stop working!
As mentioned already, the redirections.xml file gets cached in the users profile. Try deleting that file from the vhdx file to see if it re-reads the master copy and starts working, but i'm guessing it won't


Hi Ken,

I have configured New Teams with several Citrix customers, using the includes for FSLogix.
Do you have any idea how many storage is used by the New Teams Client?

I assume about 500 - 800 MB per user, but when you have 3000 users, this would mean 1,5 - 2,4 TB disk storage for FSLogix, just for Teams?

so this issue seems to be well known to Microsoft already?

Sad that they did not update their knowledge base having this noted as a known issue


as someone already mentioned. Disabling the redirections.xml fixes this issue but profiles will be bloated then, so thats no option, or does anyone get it work with other redirections.xml settings?



the primary Microsoft article for deploying new Teams in VDI/Session hosts had been updated near the end of July to include additional requirements for roaming. Please see




I have it working at another customer with same exclude/include set but have no clue why it does not work at a specific customer

<Exclude Copy="0">AppData\Local\Packages\</Exclude>

<!--Microsoft New Teams-->



So redirections.xml should be correctly configured

see this in eventlog when AppData\Local\Packages is removed:
Cant start DCOM Server Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.11.6.17763_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI niet starten als Niet beschikbaar/Niet beschikbaar. Foutmelding
is opgetreden bij het uitvoeren van de opdracht
"C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchUI.exe" -ServerName:CortanaUI.AppXa50dqqa5gqv4a428c9y1jjw7m3btvepj.mca

Kan DCOM Server Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_10.0.17763.1_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy!App niet starten als Niet beschikbaar/Niet beschikbaar. Foutmelding
is opgetreden bij het uitvoeren van de opdracht
"C:\Windows\SystemApps\ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\ShellExperienceHost.exe" -ServerName:App.AppXtk181tbxbce2qsex02s8tw7hfxa9xb3t.mca

We have a similar issue with Server 2019 and FSLogix ODFC containers causing files/folders to be locked by the "System" process preventing a users profile from being fully removed on logout.

I have also seen 5 or 6 others with this issue across various forums and Reddit posts.

For us, the only way to get the profile to be removed on logout is to ensure that the following folder/symbolic link that is created by FSLogix is removed before Teams is loaded.


Apparently Microsoft have been made aware of this issue and above workaround but if/when it might be addressed.....

Hi all, Microsoft is aware of the issue and has published a possible workaround.
Did not give it a try, yet.
Thanks Daniel

I noticed an error in the article specifically the TempState Location. They missed the "Local" part out after AppData. There is not "Packages" folder directly under AppData


Ken Z
does not solve my problem I even exclude appdata\local\packages completely solely Teams Package with minor exclusions will be included. Still after starting Teams New local_%username% can not be deleted during logoff. Will open a Microsoft case