phone number
4 TopicsTeams Phone Numbers Mysteriously Unassigned
Over the last 2 weeks or so, we've noticed a handful of our Teams phone numbers which were assigned to users, become Unassigned. We have no automation in place - everything move, add or change we perform with our phone numbers is manual. The numbers in question have been assigned for months now. It wasn't until my phone number was assigned to someone else that we realized the issue. In order to assign a phone number that is already assigned, you'd have to delete the current user - which we certainly have not done. Mysteriously, the phone number status changed from assigned to unassigned. Has anyone experienced this? We have Operator Connect through Pure-IP. Thye don't touch our numbers once they are given to us in the Admin portal (or do they?). My MS Premier ticket came up empty. Apparently there are no audit logs for phone numbers, just licenses. And we verified no change in license status at all.17KViews0likes25CommentsPowershell user phone number
Hello guys, I'm using Powershell to connect to MicrosoftTeams. I would like to retrieve the users phone number, like I can see when access The cmdlet Get-TeamUser only shows UserId, User, Name and Role. Is there any option, any other command, or any other connection that shows the phone number? Thanks for your help. HernanSolved39KViews0likes2Comments