Forum Discussion
Apr 17, 2019Copper Contributor
.XLS Files open extremely slow from network drives.
Hello, While openen .XLS (excel 97 - 2003) files from a network drive (DFS), it takes quite a while to open these files (30 seconds or more). These delays only occur under certain circumstances: ...
Jun 16, 2021Copper Contributor
I am having the exact same problem! 😐
Jun 17, 2021Copper Contributor
Raul_Chiarella It has been a few years since I had this problem. I know it took a few weeks, a lot of Googling and testing to solve this. Unfortunately I don't know where I found the solution. And I don't know if you have the exact same problem. In our case it had to do with the Personal Templates location in Excel (and Word, Powerpoint etc.). I used a .reg-file to fix this.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"personaltemplates"="K:\\Corporate identity\\Templates"
"personaltemplates"="K:\\Corporate identity\\Templates"
"personaltemplates"="K:\\Corporate identity\\Templates"
K: is a networkmapped drive. I think we had problems with UNC paths.
You could try with an empty location , or you own harddrive or a network-location.
Please note the double \\ symbols in the location for regedit. And use your own location, as our K:-drive should not be accessable to you (Looks at our network engineer.).
Backup your register before applying this (hopefully) fix.
( Note to myself: Please write documentation for stuff I've solved 😄 )
- Raul_ChiarellaJun 17, 2021Copper ContributorWe don't have Office installed on the server... 😐
- Erik_PlekenpolJun 17, 2021Copper Contributor
Raul_Chiarella The .reg-file should be run on each client, not on the (file)server. If you don't use centralised templates, you probably should set the personaltemplates path to an empty string "" .