Forum Discussion

cmlobo_sr_sf's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 10, 2020

vba microsoft.mashup.oledb.1 provider is not registered on the local machine

Hello,   some moths ago the following vba script stop working:   sub auto_open ActiveWorkbook.Connections("Query - Query1").Refresh end sub   the error message is :    microsoft.mashup.oled...
  • Brian_Pham's avatar
    Sep 14, 2020

    Hi Carlos,

    May I recommend you to have the following changes:

    1. Update auto_open as follow

    sub auto_open


    end sub

    2. Uncheck "Refresh this connection on Refresh All" property for all the queries you want to refresh by code (i.e. Query1, Query2 etc.)

    This solution works for me.


