Forum Discussion
VBA help for a Macro (inserting picture from file)
Please follow the below steps to accomplish your task:
1. Open the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) using Alt + F11
2. Insert > Module
3. Paste the below code in the new code module
Sub GetPic() Dim fNameAndPath As Variant Dim img As Picture fNameAndPath = Application.GetOpenFilename(Title:="Select Picture To Be Imported") If fNameAndPath = False Then Exit Sub Set img = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(fNameAndPath) With img 'Resize Picture to fit in the range.... .Left = ActiveSheet.Range("D9").Left .Top = ActiveSheet.Range("D9").Top .Width = ActiveSheet.Range("D9:H9").Width .Height = ActiveSheet.Range("D9:D28").Height .Placement = 1 .PrintObject = True End With End Sub
4. Go back to the worksheet
5. Right Click on the button > Assign Macro
6. Select the GetPic Macro
After following these steps you should get the expected result.
Hey Matt Mickle
I'm having problems with this Macro for inserting photos. I copied it from a PC parallel to use on my Mac but it's keeps telling me the file doesn't exist. Can you help?
I uploaded a test file, the other one is a much larger file.
Sub InsertAnyPicture() Dim image As String Columns("A:B").Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlToRight Range("A2").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _ "=CONCATENATE(""E:\Users\Tamara\Desktop\MIASTOCK INVENTORY\images\"",RC[2],"".jpeg"")" Application.Goto Reference:="OFFSET(R2C1,0,0,COUNTA(C3)-1,1)" Selection.FillDown Application.Goto Reference:="OFFSET(R2C1,0,0,COUNTA(C3)-1,1)" Set InputedRange = Range(Selection.Address) For Each C In InputedRange C.RowHeight = 45.5 image = C.Value If File_Exists(image) = True Then Call AddPic(image, C.Offset(0, 1)) Else C.Offset(0, 1).Value = "NO FILE" End If If C.Value = "" Then Exit Sub End If Next C Range("a1").Select Columns(1).EntireColumn.Delete End Sub Sub AddPic(sFile As String, r As Range) With r.Areas(1) ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture FileName:=sFile, _ LinkToFile:=msoFalse, _ SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, _ Top:=.Top, Left:=.Left, _ Height:=45, Width:=45 End With End Sub Private Function File_Exists(ByVal sPathName As String, Optional Directory As Boolean) As Boolean 'Returns True if the passed sPathName exist 'Otherwise returns False On Error Resume Next If sPathName <> "" Then If IsMissing(Directory) Or Directory = False Then File_Exists = (Dir$(sPathName) <> "") Else File_Exists = (Dir$(sPathName, vbDirectory) <> "") End If End If End Function