Forum Discussion

Jonathan865's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 20, 2021

VBA copy Value getting range from a specific cell



I am trying to figure out how to copy value information from 1 cell to another sheet.

I.E Get a range from a cell (cell B2) in sheet A. Then copy data from cell K5 in sheet A to sheet B using the range specified in cell B2 of sheet A.


Thank you for any help !

  • Your request lacks some detail, but I created something based on what I think you wanted. You could modify the code to what you had in mind.

    1. This code grabs the range that is entered into cell B2 of sheet A into the variable "GetRng".
    2. Puts the value of cell K5, sheet A, into the range variable from step 1 on sheet B.

    Sub GetValue()
    Dim GetRng As Range
    'set the variable to what has been entered into cell B2 of sheet A.
    Set GetRng = Sheets("A").Range("B2")
    'Gets the value from cell K5 in sheet A and puts it into whatever _
    'cell(range) of sheet B that has been entered into cell B2 of sheet A.

    Sheets("B").Range(GetRng) = Sheets("A").Range("K5")
    End Sub
  • SWalter2937's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    Your request lacks some detail, but I created something based on what I think you wanted. You could modify the code to what you had in mind.

    1. This code grabs the range that is entered into cell B2 of sheet A into the variable "GetRng".
    2. Puts the value of cell K5, sheet A, into the range variable from step 1 on sheet B.

    Sub GetValue()
    Dim GetRng As Range
    'set the variable to what has been entered into cell B2 of sheet A.
    Set GetRng = Sheets("A").Range("B2")
    'Gets the value from cell K5 in sheet A and puts it into whatever _
    'cell(range) of sheet B that has been entered into cell B2 of sheet A.

    Sheets("B").Range(GetRng) = Sheets("A").Range("K5")
    End Sub
  • NikolinoDE's avatar
    Gold Contributor


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